Easy at-home technique for bowel discomfort
The ‘I Love You’ (ILU) Massage
Struggling with constipation, bloating or just feeling backed up bowels lately? The ILU gentle massage is used for constipation/loose bowels and generalized pelvic and abdominal pain. These moves follow the path of the large intestine, the one that forms our stool. They help to calm it down if it is irritated or overactive, and increase the movement of food in your gut. Try this gentle at-home tip to get things moving and grooving in just a couple of minutes.
Prep position: Relaxed & comfortable - lying down, sitting, in the shower. Your choice. You may use lotion/cream or bare hands if preferred.
Always go from right to left:
1. Start by forming the letter “I” by stroking with moderate pressure from the left ribcage down to the left hipbone. Perform this motion 10 times.
2. Next, form the letter “L” by stroking with moderate pressure from the right ribcage, underneath the ribcage to the left, and down to the left hipbone. Perform this motion 10 times.
3. Last, form the letter “U”. by stroking with moderate pressure from right hipbone up to the right ribcage, across to the left ribcage, and down to the left hip bone. Perform this motion 10 times.
4. Finish with 1-2 minutes of clockwise circular massage around the belly button to stimulate the small intestine.
Can performed daily or as needed. Here’s to happy bowels!